
Many affluent individuals are either executives or own closely-held businesses and value expertise to help them manage complex issues associated with each. Executives and business owners each face unique and often complex situations. Executives face challenges with respect to the benefits and risks of various compensation schemes and retirement plans. Business owners face many complex challenges that wealth managers can assist them with, including protection of the business, financing options, monetizing the business, and succession planning.  Both executives and business owners as well as most other affluent clients also face issues with challenges with respect to their international investments and interests.

What skills will you develop?

This course is focused on building the advanced knowledge and skills that wealth advisors require in order to assist affluent clients who earn executive compensation plans, have closely held businesses, or have international investments and interests. Some of the topics include developing tax-efficient plans for executive compensation and retirement planning, business succession planning, tax-efficient ways of drawing money out of a business, financing options for businesses, and international taxation considerations.

The course is targeted at advisors who deal with affluent clients and, as such, is focused on the types of considerations consistent with this client base. The course is one of five courses within the Dealing with High Net Worth Clients Program, which is the learning path required for the CIWM designation. You can incrementally earn CE credits as you work your way through the course. You can also earn a Micro-Certificate, which generates a digital badge that is uploaded to your social media sites upon your request.

Other courses within the Dealing with High Net Worth Clients Program are:

Investment Strategies For High Net Worth Clients

Retirement Strategies for High Net Worth Clients

Estate Planning For High Net Worth Clients

Practice Management In High Net Worth Segment

Who should enrol?

This course is designed for individuals with experience in the financial services advisory professions, working within securities or mutual fund dealers, banks, or a financial planning organization in the capacity of:

  • Investment advisors
  • Financial advisors
  • Financial planners
  • Mutual fund representatives
  • Life insurance specialists

These individuals most likely have completed a financial planning designation such as the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) or Certified Financial Planner designation or Fin. Pl. (IQPF) or have completed the Wealth Management Essentials (WME®) course or Fundamentals of Financial Planning (FOFP) and are looking to advance their career in wealth management.