
A well-thought-out and executed investment plan is a key link between setting tangible life-cycle goals and actually being able to achieve them. With the preponderance of structured products and alternative investments to go with more traditional investments, the world of investing is becoming increasingly complex. As well, more people than ever are near or transitioning into retirement and as a result, have little tolerance for financial risk. To deal with complexity and risk in the world of investments more and more Canadians, particularly affluent ones, are seeking out the expertise of certified wealth managers to help them grow, protect and distribute their assets to meet their desired retirement lifestyle.

What skills will you develop?

This course prepares advisors to deliver high-level investment advice which is a key driver of client satisfaction. It is targeted at advisors who deal with affluent clients and as such is focused on the types of strategies and products consistent with this client base.

This course is one of five courses within the Dealing with High Net Worth Clients Program, which is the learning path required for the CIWM designation. You can incrementally earn CE credits as you work your way through the course. You can also earn a Micro-Certificate which generates a digital badge that is uploaded to your social media sites upon your request.

Other courses within the Dealing with High Net Worth Clients Program are:

Retirement Planning For High Net Worth Clients

Estate Planning For High Net Worth Clients

Dealing With Special High Net Worth Client Situations

Practice Management In High Net Worth Segment

Who should enrol?

The Investment Strategies For High Net Worth Clients course is designed for individuals with experience in the financial services advisory professions, working within securities or mutual fund dealers, banks, or a financial planning organization in the capacity of:

  • Investment advisors
  • Financial advisors
  • Financial planners
  • Mutual fund representatives
  • Life insurance specialists

What are the course exemptions?

The Advanced Investment Strategies (AIS) and Investment Management Techniques (IMT®) are both considered equivalent courses to the Investment Strategies for High Net Worth Clients course. As such students who have already completed AIS or IMT® are exempt from completing the Investment Strategies for High Net Worth Clients course for purposes of the CIWM. Completion of the CFA and CIM® programs will also exempt a CIWM candidate from needing to complete this course.