What will you learn about?

Course work broadens the knowledge of students on the connections between various sectors of an integrated financial services institution. The 360 approach to learning about how different business lines integrate into a financial institution creates the ultimate well-rounded industry ambassador, mentor and advocate. Upon completion students will be able to:

  • Discuss business models, requirements, risks, and revenue sources of each sector (personal and commercial banking, personal investing, investment management, investment banking, insurance, mutual funds and exempt market dealing)
  • Understand the importance of the financial services industry to the broader economy and why public trust and confidence is vital
  • Determine the rationale for integrating the various sectors, and resulting issues
  • Distinguish between various types of financial integration
  • Describe the profitable functioning of an integrated financial institution
  • Articulate the public policy concerns of financial services integration

How will you learn?

  • This is an online course. Students are provided with a PDF textbook and interactive content.
  • The course comprises 2 quizzes (1 at the end of each module) and 1 end of course assessment (online test).

Course Completion

Upon successfully completing this course, you will be able to download a Notice of Course Completion available through your student profile. This will remain on your profile as formal confirmation of course completion. Please note that a certificate will not be issued upon completion of this course.