What will you learn about?

Today, most investors and advisors are unlikely to have experienced the inflation spikes of the 1970s and early 1980s. However, in the current economic environment, the risk that the pace of inflation will accelerate is causing concern. What factors have been identified that could lead to rising inflation? How is the breakeven inflation rate perceived by bond and money market participants? How do equity and fixed income securities perform in an inflationary environment? Do commodities show positive performance? This course is designed to answer these and other questions.

What is the course syllabus?

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Lesson 1: Inflation

  • Inflation Outlook
  • Inflationary Environments
  • Theoretical Causes of Inflation
  • Breakeven Inflation Rate

Lesson 2: The Impact of Inflation on Fixed Income and Equities

  • The Efficient Frontier Concept in Portfolio Construction
  • Asset Class Positioning for Increasing Inflationary Environments

Lesson 3: The Use of Alternative Investments in an Inflationary Environment

  • Commodities
  • Real Estate
  • Other Alternative Investments

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